Bee blog

Wohlbefinden im Herbst und Winter für die ganze Familie

Well-being in fall and winter for the whole family

The golden fall has given us a nice transition into the cooler fall. We are now looking more and more towards winter and cold days. To ensure that you and...
Rezept: Heiße Zitrone schnell und simpel

Recipe: Hot lemon, quick and simple

Here's a super simple and healthy recipe for the start of autumn.Many people struggle with the sudden change in weather and this often manifests itself in the form of a...
Anwendung von Propolis bei Abszessen

Use of propolis for abscesses

Abscesses are an accumulation of pus encapsulated in the tissue. Abscesses are promoted by bacteria that enter the body via wounds or injections. Abscesses differ in their symptoms but also...
11 Sommertipps mit Bienenprodukten

11 summer tips with bee products

Before you know it, too much exposure to the sun can have consequences: Sunstroke, sunburn or mosquito bites. We have 11 effective (...)
Natürliches Anti-Aging mit Bienenprodukten

Natural anti-ageing with bee products

Why these natural products play such an important role in the East is due to the effect and ingredients of the individual products. Especially royal jelly and bee.

Bee's Neurodermitis und Erfahrung mit Propolis

Bee's neurodermatitis and experience with propolis

Neurodermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, is a skin disease (lat: dermatitis). Those affected (also known as neurodermatitis sufferers) suffer from a chronic, inflamed skin disease. I have also had...
DIY: Propolis Gesichtswasser

DIY: Propolis facial toner

The right skin care is essential, especially if your skin is prone to blemishes. You don't need expensive creams or products from the pharmacy to (preventively) combat blackheads, spots or...

Bee superfood for the spring

Spring shines with its plants and colorful flowers and leaves the dull and cold winter days behind us. The start of spring not only lifts our spirits, but also our...

Use of propolis and manuka honey for herpes

Herpes (lat: "herpes simplex"; short: HSV) is a virus that occurs in two different types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1) causes cold sores (herpes labialis) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2) is...
Propolis für die Vitalität

Propolis for vitality

The bees' putty resin plays a major role in the hive for the preservation of the bee colony. Propolis serves not only as a building material for the hive, but...
Anwendung und Fragen zum Manuka Honig

Use and questions about Manuka honey

Alongside propolis and royal jelly, manuka honey is considered an important bee product. Manuka honey is a very special honey from New Zealand. The Manuka plant (also: South Sea myrtle)...

Bee medicine chest

We've all been there: an acute need for an injury, a cold or other ailments such as gastrointestinal problems or herpes, but there's nothing available. We know how important a...