Bee blog

Manuka Repair Handcream: Natürliche Pflege mit der Kraft der Bienen

Manuka Repair Hand Cream: Natural care with the power of bees

Our hands are exposed to a wide variety of stresses every day: Frequent hand washing, long working days at the computer and regular disinfecting can make the skin rough and...
Raus aus dem Winter-Haartief: So bringst Du Deine Haare zum Strahlen

Out of the winter hair slump: how to make your hair shine

Do you know the feeling? You come in from outside, take off your cap and your hair looks like it's been electrified. Or it feels brittle and lifeless after a...
Gesund durch die kalte Jahreszeit: Unterstütze Dein Wohlbefinden mit der Kraft der Bienen

Healthy through the cold season: support your well-being with the power of bees

Autumn has arrived and winter is just around the corner. With falling temperatures and shorter days, this is a time when many people want to pay particular attention to their...
Bienengiftgewinnung: Schonend und sicher für unsere fleißigen Helfer

Bee venom extraction: Gentle and safe for our busy helpers

A gentle process First of all, we want to reassure you: The extraction of bee venom is neither deadly nor dangerous for our bees. On the contrary, we use a...
Bienenpower für die Kopfhaut: Sanfte Pflege bei Ekzemen auf der Kopfhaut

Bee power for the scalp: Gentle care for eczema on the scalp

Do you suffer from persistent itching and red, scaly patches on your scalp that just won't go away? This may indicate scalp eczema. These inflammatory skin changes are not only...
Anwendung von Bienengift bei Cellulite

Use of bee venom for cellulite

You probably know it too: those little dents on your thighs, bottom or stomach that many of us know only too well - cellulite. It affects women and men alike...
Anwendung von Bienengift bei Krampfadern

Use of bee venom for varicose veins

Are you putting on your summer dress and discover a swollen, bluish-red line on your leg? These twisted and often protruding veins are varicose veins. They are not only unsightly...
Anwendung von Bienengift bei Besenreiser

Use of bee venom for spider veins

You're getting dressed and oh: what's that? You can see a small red vein on your leg. These are often so-called spider veins, which also appear as fine, net-like clusters,...
DIY: Propolis Fußbad

DIY: Propolis foot bath

Not only the face, but also the feet deserve loving attention, especially if they are affected by problems such as nail fungus or calluses. A homemade foot bath with propolis...
Anwendung von Propolis bei Nagelpilz

Use of propolis for nail fungus

Nail fungus is an infection caused by fungi that colonize under or around the nail. The pathogens, mostly dermatophytes, but also yeasts or molds, thrive in warm, moist environments such...
Lippenpflege - Meine Tipps für den Winter

Lip care - My tips for the winter

Winter is often a tough time for our skin, especially for our sensitive lips. The cold air and dry heating can cause lips to become chapped and cracked. But with...
Anwendung von Propolis bei Hämorrhoiden

Use of propolis for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem that affects many people, but is often not openly addressed due to a sense of shame or ignorance. Swollen blood vessels in the anus and...